How much are patient safety, inventory management, organization, staff satisfaction and customer loyalty worth to your pharmacy business?
How to Know if You Need Will-Call Tech [Free Guide]

How much are patient safety, inventory management, organization, staff satisfaction and customer loyalty worth to your pharmacy business?
Choosing the best will-call automation solution can be overwhelming. Consider what matters most to your team and what you need to achieve. Don’t just focus on the price, but also explore the long-term return on investment. Use this five-step guide to help you assess how solutions on the market compare to one another in terms of cost and value and determine what’s right for your pharmacy.
Based on an ISMP study showing roughly 1 in every 1000 prescriptions are correctly dispensed but given to the wrong patient, we estimate scripClip helped avoid 35,000 such wrong-patient prescription-delivery errors in the last year.
The high rate of electronic prescribing, rising drug costs and patient copays increase the likelihood of prescriptions being abandoned in the pharmacy. Smart will-call tools can help pharmacies proactively contact the patients most likely to abandon their prescriptions, allowing the pharmacy to improve time savings, drug inventory management and, most importantly, patient outcomes.
University of Maryland Medical Center needed help to reduce the chances of busy pharmacy staff giving incorrect medication to patients. scripClip made a tremendous difference at the hospital system’s five outpatient pharmacies.
Thanks to collaborative development among Change Healthcare, InterLink AI, and a groundbreaking mutual customer, scripClip is easily added into the PMS functionality. With the simple click of a button on pharmacy workstation computers, personnel can check prescriptions into will-call and readily locate the right orders for the right patients at the point of sale.
scripClip helped St. Mary’s Medical Center expand its retail pharmacy services to the community and improve day-to-day workflows for staff in a way no other will-call solution could.
Nebraska Medicine, health center pharmacy leader, is implementing a scripClip-integrated Central Fill solution to streamline the process of dispensing and packaging prescriptions, while alleviating the burden on outpatient pharmacy staff and affording more time to spend with patients.
Innovation is the name of the game at InterLink AI. From hardware, to software, to supply chain, we’ve been taking scripClip tech to new heights to help your pharmacy level up.
Although pharmacies aren’t directly awarded with Star Ratings from CMS like providers and health plans are, pharmacy-related measures have a big impact on patient outcomes – and the Star Ratings can have a big impact on the pharmacy’s bottom line.