What can a pharmacy learn from a donut shop?

Kneeland’s Notes: If you want to improve your profit margins, perhaps you can find a way to charge for your unique services such as professional grade supplements, nutritional programs or smoking cessation classes. Like a donut shop, about how you present these services so they stand out, convey their value and justify the cost.

Perkins Drugs benefits from new pick-to-light will call

“The moment I saw it I was intrigued. It just seemed to be a great way to improve customer safety and service.” Finney says scripClip provides his pharmacy with three benefits.

Compounding Pharmacy Sees the Light

David Vasenden, R.Ph., a partner in this unique operation says he first saw the scripClip will-call system at the Cardinal Health Retail Business Conference. While not actively looking for a will-call system he was acquainted with one of the sales representatives in the PerceptiMed booth so he took time to listen.

El Monte Pharmacy Improves Customer Service With Hi-Tech Will-Call System

As an innovator, Ken Thai is among the first to have invested in the scripClip LED lighted will-call system. He says he was “in the market” for a way to improve the look and feel of the will-call area. But, up to that time the systems he had looked at were too expensive; and installing them also required expensive rearranging of the prescription pick-up area.