Platte Valley Pharmacy Loves Their Automated Will-Call System

Tom Gierwatoski says it was the first piece of technology he has ever bought where no one on his staff pushed back. So, after nearly 18 months of operation I asked him what he liked most about the system. He identified five key things.

Perkins Drugs benefits from new pick-to-light will call

“The moment I saw it I was intrigued. It just seemed to be a great way to improve customer safety and service.” Finney says scripClip provides his pharmacy with three benefits.

Compounding Pharmacy Sees the Light

David Vasenden, R.Ph., a partner in this unique operation says he first saw the scripClip will-call system at the Cardinal Health Retail Business Conference. While not actively looking for a will-call system he was acquainted with one of the sales representatives in the PerceptiMed booth so he took time to listen.

El Monte Pharmacy Improves Customer Service With Hi-Tech Will-Call System

As an innovator, Ken Thai is among the first to have invested in the scripClip LED lighted will-call system. He says he was “in the market” for a way to improve the look and feel of the will-call area. But, up to that time the systems he had looked at were too expensive; and installing them also required expensive rearranging of the prescription pick-up area.